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Old 04-21-2004, 01:14 PM   #8
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Geary Wootten
G'mornin Mike,

Back to camera shopping this fine day.

I'm really liking the <sigh> Lordy I hate fluxuating. However, my fluxuation is now in the range of the ONLY two contender in this "under a thou" ring. But, for the bucks mentioned, I think the Nikon is SO strong. I mean the ability to have RAW+Jpeg at the same time, even less "shutter lag" than the D100, 1/8000 th shutter (over Canon's 1/4000), and the fact that it's got a stainless steel chasis w/graphite wrapped around it makes it pretty hard to not seriously consider the investment. I know, it is a few bucks more than the Canon.....but..... I guess it's especially hard for me to choose, since I've never owned any auto focus lenses. So....all of this will be a MAJOR step up for me.

Any further thoughts from your snooping around this one?

Geary, I'll be so jealous of you if you get the D70. I love my D100, it's one of the best investments I've ever made. 50,000 pictures in a year and a half, and I'm still learning new ways to use it. A main reason I got it was the incredible absence of shutter lag. I have NEVER detected any!

At half the price a D100 was, and so many upgrades and improvements -go for it!

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