Taxes? forgeddaboudit!
I have had the best marketing results with the donation/demo. When I donate a $200 small portrait or equal value TOWARD a larger piece, not only have I had my bread cast upon the water come back doubled as in a $650 piece hence the $450 income, but the charity has seemed to always get full market value for the donation. Just two weeks ago, I was auctioned with a "buy it now for 120%" and they got $240 for me! The buyer whispered he was upgrading and had even explained the subject (taboo: pet) had been painted a couple of times before by high end painters but had not captured what he saw in the eyes of his animal. My demo on the spot (of a human and his jet, not a puppy, by the way) showing my technique and process as well as a few pieces worked wonders.
I have stopped papering the donation market, as the tax benefit is a scam. I have donated to charities I believe in and found some karmic boon from the experience.
Final thought.
If you have a patron pursuing you for a donation, explain the tax problem and tell them they can buy a sample piece FROM you which they may donate. Or, I suppose, the gift certificate which will net them the tax break and you the business.
I kind of believe in the charity part of it so I never regret the loss of business. Only if nobody redeems it. I would be painting SOMETHING anyway, why not help a cause?