My pictures are so big I feel I have to spray. This paranoia about spraying is incomprehesible to me as there are some really good sprays on the market.
Daniel Greene in his book "Pastel", unfortunately out of print, tells of the benefits of spray. He uses it to darken areas, the builds tones on top of them.
I like Perfix, by Rowney. I can't see where it darkens it at all.
The old Grumbacher or Blair spray did and were splotchy to boot. The Lascaux is also good.
I am now experimenting with the new matte archival spray from Golden. It apparently has a UV protectant. It seems to be a little heavier than the Rowney. Also, I think the surface may have to do something with darkening. Absorbtive surfaces may darken more than the acrylic surface I am using.
The Golden Acrylic ground also holds a lot of pastel.
DON'T DO THIS, but I do! Since my pieces are so large I carefully vacuum the surface. The nozzle is raised about 1" off the surface.
I said I was nuts. Hope this helps