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Old 04-10-2004, 11:42 AM   #9
John Zeissig John Zeissig is offline
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Joined: Sep 2002
Location: Alameda, CA
Posts: 212
I've missed Tim's posts lately, but didn't know why he wasn't participating. I figured he was busy with his projects. Tim is a great topic starter and a fine artist. He always illustrates his points with images; usually worth a thousand words at least. There are a number of forum members whose posts I nearly always read, and Tim is one of them.

Minh, a while back Tim was doing an art function in San Juan Capistrano, and he invited me to swing by and visit if I had the time. Well, California ain't Rhode Island, and it would have been about a 500 mile swing each way, so I didn't do it. Sounds like I should have

John Zeissig
[email protected]
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