Thread: Burnt Sienna
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Old 04-08-2004, 08:23 AM   #14
Allan Rahbek Allan Rahbek is offline
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Hi Garth, sparring partner.

I notice that the shadows of the tubes seem bluish and the light pink / yellowish, which means that you have used a warm light. This will make the Burnt Sienna look more warm than out in the real life.
Just theory, no problem!

I used to paint watercolors for many years, which is only glazes. I favored the Siennas and especially from W&N, because they were so well ground and clean, no milk in that soup !

They do now make the Sienna in artificial way but with the natural ingredients. And I am suspicious enough to think that they mix the color to a certain standard of color, to be optimal in use.

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