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Old 03-26-2004, 01:32 AM   #7
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Originally Posted by Michele Rushworth
My camera assigns photos the same numbers over and over again each time I start with a clean Flash card, and always starts with "Picture 0001". Because of this I have to store the photos separately, in folders named for the flash card they were created on. Otherwise I'd have more than one photo with the same name and they'd over-write each other.

Hi Michele:

Don't you have the optional setting on your camera for sequential numbering? I think most cameras have this option. Which camera are you using?

My Nikon D100 will number sequentially up to 9999 (or If I choose, it can start at 0001 each time like yours), and then starts over again. When using Extensis Portfolio to catalog my image assets, I have to be careful because my camera has run up to 9999 four times so far, and so there are potentially five images in conflict with the same number.
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