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Old 03-21-2004, 08:26 PM   #8
Elizabeth Schott Elizabeth Schott is offline
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while yours looks more Tahitian. Very subtle differenced make all the difference. I think it's the dark skin tones.
Jeff ,I think the dark skin tones are from the fact I did not adjust my image white level to avoid the possibility of glare. If you look in the corner of the canvas you will see how much darker the white is compared to the shirt on the original. I will post a new image to see if it shows better. In the actual canvas I was pleased with the tones, but I am sure it can not compare if one is looking at the original.

I agree with Michelle and Mike, these studies, while some might consider not a great (maybe a good) use of your time, but I think they are an incredible learning tool.

Using Marvin's value palette as it applies to Bouguereau, is so different in how I adjusted darks and lights before. It may not be the way I always paint, but it taught me to look for so many different nuisances.

A fantastic artist who occasionally posts here told me he wished more artisst who are learning would study masters' works than try and learn from not so great reference photo's.
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