As you know, I'm about to start painting. I thought of master copies, but my wife is already digging up her favorite cat pictures. She says, as long as I'm just learning, I might as well paint her cats.
From one learner to another ... I would hate to buck your wife on any matter, but in my opinion, if it is your goal to eventually paint people portraits then thats what I would start doing right off.
You already have good drawing skills which is a huge step toward that goal, all you need to do is learn to paint flesh tones. I think if you concentrated on skin for a while you'll realize that everything else is just cats and landscape.
What I'm trying to say is that whenever you decide to start painting portraits, only then will you begin to start learning to paint portraits. Saying it another way - painting skin can teach you a lot about all the rest, all the rest won't teach you what you need to know about painting believable flesh tones.
From an interested Saturday morning passerby.