Thread: Working in 3D
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Old 03-20-2004, 03:14 AM   #4
Garth Herrick Garth Herrick is offline
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Look mommy.... no arms!

Heidi, thanks for the new thread. We've already covered all we probably want to know about firing my sculpture bust. I look forward to more techniques, tips and tools from all. I hope its not wasting too much space to relate this model story, below.

Chris, I love your sculpture story about your son's reaction.

Speaking of kids responses, I could have used some more experience with small children when the 3 year old subject of my first sculpture became extremely distraught, realizing he would not have any arms in his portrait bust! Help! He was done posing for the day. It hadn't occurred to me how different a 3 year old's perceptions are, and how something thats off in a portrait can spook them.

Has anyone else had related experiences or solutional approaches to ease small children, other than a can of soda?

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