Thread: Working in 3D
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Old 03-19-2004, 02:49 AM   #1
Heidi Maiers Heidi Maiers is offline
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Working in 3D

There has been quite a bit of interest generated about working in 3D this week - from a thread in the inroduction section by one of our new members (Garth Herrick) who both paints and sculps beautifully. If you are interested in reading some info about photographing 3D, firing techniques, and surface finishing, visit

We can use this area to continue discussion about sculpture techniques so that those visiting this forum seeking sculpting information can find it more readily.

I recieve email from forum members from time to time who would like to try their hand at sculpting and are looking for some quick info on the process. If there is enough interest, I'll gather a series of photos, the next time I start on a ceramic bust, and place a start to finish demo in the "Subject-Specific Demos" section of this forum.
Heidi Maiers
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