Thank you all very much.
How long do you spend on your drawings
I don't time myself, so this will be a guess-timate. The likeness came quicker than usual, I believe within the first half hour, I was ok with it, very little tweeking in the later stages. Likenesses normally take me a while, it's not like college where I was able to get them immediately. I did mostly smooth shading, using tortillions. This took several hours, because I was trying to be extra careful. When I finally decided to do the hatching, I had already spent maybe 10 hours. Once I got into the hatching flow, it was relatively quick, three hours top.
My other drawings, the graphite ones, usually take anywhere from 10-40 hours depending on size, color of paper, and of course how far I take the details.
Can you post the photo so as a fledgling like myself can see how you structured it or is that not a good thing to ask?
I'm sorry, but perhaps if it were a commissioned piece, I would post it. The two main reasons for not posting are that it's promised to the model that their privacy is kept, clothed or nude. Even if they gave me permission, my personal reason is that I don't want the reference used by someone else. I don't see anyone here using anyone else's ref pics for themselves, but we do get alot of visitors and I'd rather not take the chance.
A lesser reason would be that I don't try for a dead-on likeness. There are many points where my drawing are off, some intentional, we'd be here all day picking out differences.
Thanks again.