Thread: Rendering Hair
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Old 03-17-2004, 09:35 AM   #3
Richard Budig Richard Budig is offline
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Location: Lincoln, NE
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Richard Budig

I was taught that hair should be treated as a mass, especially in the dark and shadow parts. Squint, and then draw (or mass in) what you see. Usually near the face and in the some of the more highly lighted areas, a few hairs can be indicated. This will read as a full headof hair to the viewer. In quick sketches of people with curly hair, I'll squint, mass in all the tones, dark as well as lights, and then come back with quickly laid in squigly lines to indicate the hair. I paint portraits, mostly, so to keep my hand and eye in the game, I often go to local stores and do quick 5-10 minute sketches of people for free. I don't have time to draw hairs. I lay in masses and then grab a few details.
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