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Old 10-02-2001, 05:34 PM   #3
Daniel Arredondo Daniel Arredondo is offline
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Joined: Oct 2001
Location: San Antonio, TX
Posts: 56
idea Digital Camera

The Sony Mavica 1000 is an excellent camera. I used it for the first time for a commissioned portrait. It was nice to take the photos at different angles and lighting, have the sitter decide which pose she liked best in conjunction with what I liked. We then took more photos of that chosen pose and lighting.
The camera was hooked up to a 13"TV while taking the photos. She then sat for me for 2 hours in that pose, and I am finishing the portrait with those digital images. It was easy and fast.

Daniel Arredondo

PS It has the capacity to take 2.1megapixel images but I use the lowest resolution, that is all that is needed unless using the photos for a portfolio.
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