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Old 03-01-2004, 10:53 AM   #3
Linda Brandon Linda Brandon is offline
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Hi Rui,

Thank you for posting this lovely painting of your wife. The more I look at it, the more I like it. I like the way her strap slips off her shoulder, it's a nice touch.

I have a suggestions for using outdoor light. Your wife has a slight squint to her face, which is very usual in even diffuse bright light conditions. Next time you might want to try shading her with a thin sheet or curtain just out of camera range. Often this is just enough of a light filter to allow people to open their eyes more fully.

I also want to point out that your white petunias all have the same shape and direction. Even if this happened in nature you might want to consider rearranging them to give them a more natural garden appearance; some half open, some dying, some drooping, etc. .

Please keep sharing your work with us.
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