Thread: What's shakin
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Old 02-27-2004, 05:30 PM   #1
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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What's shakin

Or, more aptly, what's not shakin? Anti shake technology seems to be one of the new whistles being brought to market this Spring. Theoretically, a small motor (or person) inside the body of the camera (not the lens) prevents those small quakes from creating blurred images. As my daughter used to say when she was very young "I'm skeptible."

Also 8 megapixels will be offered on several cameras in the $1,000 range.

Coming as early as March:

From Nikon: interchangeable lens, 6 mp, $999 body only, an upgrade of the D100: Nikon D70

From Nikon: fixed 8x optical (to 280mm) lens, 8 mp, $999: Coolpix 8700

In the fixed lens category I think the next two trump the Nikon above.

From Konica / Minolta: fixed 7x optical lens, 8 mp, anti shake, $1099: DiMAGE A2

From Canon: interchangeable(?) their professional lens, 8 mp, $999: PowerShot Pro 1

I'm sure there are others but the ones above got my attention.
Mike McCarty
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