Music as an art piece!
When I first started to paint, I thought, "How could a deaf person hear a beautiful piece of music, say a symphony by Vivadi or similar? " If they can't hear it, will they always be without the intense emotion a magical piece of music can make them feel and even bring tears to their eyes? Why should deaf people miss out? So I decided to do a painting of music. I had several colours in front of me, got in the zone, turned the music up, put the headphones on and went for it.
I painted by emotions and by the movement of the music, light colours for light music tones , dark for deep etc. I thought the finished piece was well done, and I felt I accomplished what I set out to do. Allow a deaf person to see beautiful music. Maybe one day I will do another.
Footnote: Yes, quality music goes right through me, the sensations are magical. A good healer also.