Thread: Jordan Family
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Old 02-14-2004, 09:58 AM   #12
Linda Nelson Linda Nelson is offline
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Thanks everybody - I really appreciate it. Yes this was kind of a terrifying endeavor - for the most part because of the proportions. It was a challenge determining a composition that could hold everybody in the such a vertical format. Another factor was that the painting is to be hung quite high (the bottom will be at 5' off the ground) So I planned the composition so you'd be looking up at them. When I took the photograph, I set the camera about 35 feet away down from them on a steep hill. We timed it so we'd have the sun at their backs (to get the rim lighting and to avoid direct light in their faces) Taking the photo from farther allowed to get everyone in without using alot of horizontal space. I just kept taking pictures and posing them differently, then coming closer to get close up reference photos of each.
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