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Old 02-05-2004, 09:55 AM   #11
Patt Legg Patt Legg is offline
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Hello all,

It has been quite sometime since I have written here but when I read this thread I felt the need to say a few.

I always have my music going when I paint. As for the type of music I have found it varies considerably with the mood that I am in. I love Classic Guitar and Celtic, Patrick Bernhardt and Native American flute and voice of Robert Tree Cody, the oldies and many new of Rod Stewart. Very seldom do I listen to rock of any type not to say that I don't love the music but more for social life of which I do not do like I used to do.

Now Marvin, I know you like your stuff but I do recall a certain time recently at a NC workshop when the tune of "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou" created quite a stir and even a dance jig from you. Ha ha

One last mention, I love the oriental soothing meditation sounds and even chants of the Benedictine Monks. (Yea, Marvin I have the one that has the cover designed by you and yet to get your autograph on it.) I have had it for awhile now.

Thumbs up for music at any time. And Wayne, your passion for art and music shines through very well. PS: I just checked out your gallery site and I love your portrait

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