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Old 02-02-2004, 08:03 PM   #2
Wayne McMichael Wayne McMichael is offline
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Location: Vidalia, GA
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A man after my own heart. Music is art. There are so many analogies, harmony, composition, passion, contrast, tension, resolve, theme, we all appreciate harmony in visual art but our art should have a melody as well. Music is my first love, my passion, painting is just easy.

I'm glad I can make money with my art and use my music to express my love, fear, desire, pain and joy. Music is a spontaneous art form. I tend to lean toward soulful, creative things. Juggling may make me smile, but when I see an artist pouring his soul into his art, it evokes a deeper emotion, even if it's not entertaining.

I think it's the soul connection that separates art from entertainment. Art, music, poetry spring from the soul like a fountain of emotion. When I play, I imagine I'm painting sound, a sonic artist. I could go on for hours about this.

Nothing helps my visual composition any more than music. Visual art is the oldest record we have of human thought, dated at over 70,000 years. It is a window to the soul and an outlet for chasing away our ghosts, retrieving our shadow, our baggage. It is the first thing we need in our schools and the last thing we should discard from it.

If culture could learn to express our fears, anger, love through art, music, poetry, we would all be the better for it. It might have the power to stop a war. Artistic expression (art, music, poetry) not only is evidence of human thought, it inspires, encourages human thought, it enlightens those who feel its passion, experience its uniqueness, and enlightened people create a better world around them and society benefits from it. Nothing is more important.

The creation process is responsible for everything else. Art is greater than science, science is greater than philosophy and philosophy is greater than opinion. Want a better life?... then recreate your self by creating your environment around you. Be art, do art, love art, free the artist.
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