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Old 01-20-2004, 10:47 AM   #6
David Dowbyhuz David Dowbyhuz is offline
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Joined: Nov 2001
Location: Montreal, Canada
Posts: 123
Another helpful digital ploy to assist "seeing" values is to use the "color reduction" feature. I like to reduce the color image to 10 values, and then convert to 8-bit greyscale. You get this admitedly odd "relief map" of the image, but it does help jump-out the plane transitions. It's then very easy to see your brightest areas and your darkest. Obviously, reducing a complex color image to "10 tones" is hardly an adequate final reference for a painting, but it's a great help to isolate values before you go too far in the wrong direction, as well as a measure to be sure your tone-balance is basically in-line.

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