Thread: Danielle
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Old 03-21-2002, 09:07 PM   #30
Steven Sweeney Steven Sweeney is offline
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Location: Stillwater, MN
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Macaholics Anonymous

My name is Steven and I'm a Macaholic. Sometimes I hide this from my friends and family. During the day, I often think about the next opportunity I'll have to sign onto my Mac. I buy Mac products from several different stores, so as not to arouse suspicion. It has changed my sleep habits and my ability to concentrate and my sleep habits and ability to concentrate as well. The anti-Mac tormentors are part of a vast right-wing conspiracy. I am not paranoid, too. I just wish they'd make more software for my Mac. By the way, Beta was superior to VHS, too, but there you go.

Remember, what's said in this room stays in this room.
Steven Sweeney
[email protected]

"You must be present to win."
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