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Old 08-21-2001, 10:20 PM   #3
Mary Reilly Mary Reilly is offline
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I agree with the above response, but would like to elaborate a little. I find that the type of fabric dictates the degree of value contrast and the degree of how soft or hard the edge is where they meet. Finding the balance between them helps creates the illusion of the type of fabric. Satin seems to have a really extreme value range, with a slight softening where the values meet. I find that when I paint silk, there is a little more softening of the line where the values meet, and the value range is less then satin but greater then cotton. Velvet on the other hand seems to have a value range similar to satin, with a total blurring of the meeting point. I don't know if my suggestions are worded in such a way as to make sense, but they work for me. Of couse, all of this is tempered by the color of the fabric and the type of light hitting it. Borrowing the clothing is always one of my biggest helps.

Mary Reilly
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