Thank you so much, Chris, for your quick and knowledgeable response! I agree, that two seperate portraits would probably be better. I will definitely think about suggesting that to the clients. But we've already, sort-of, agreed on the double portrait, so will try to work with what I've got as well. You are right that the children don't interact much, they did not seem to do so when I met them either.
As to the lighting....I know I have to keep an eye on the direction of the light. The photos that I've combined were all taken on the same sofa, next to the same window, at practically the same time. When I paint I can make sure the light warmth or colour is the same and make sure the direction is not off. But I see your point.
I've got plenty of photos of the children together, so I can roughly check the right head sizes.
Thanks again, for your reply. I really appreciate you input! You've given me plenty to think about.