Thread: Home Parties
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Old 01-11-2004, 08:43 AM   #1
Mary Sparrow Mary Sparrow is offline
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Home Parties

A woman in SC recently inquired about a portrait.
She wants to have a home show for me. She recently did this for a jewelry maker and said the woman made a fortune.

She served wine/beer and appetizers. She also had the smart idea to have this on the night of a sporting event and told the wives to bring their husbands and the football game would be on. She said this proved to be a brilliant idea, b/c it became like a party. The women picked out what they wanted and while the men were engrossed in their game getting them to say "yes dear" was much easier than them going home and asking..LOL

Her daughter goes to a prominent private school, and the group she would be inviting over would be prime targets.

I feel I would be foolish to pass this up. So my question is, since I have never done anything like this. Just how many samples do I need to provide? Does EVERYTHING have to be framed? or can some be framed and some just matted?(framing is so expensive) What other things do I need to provide? business cards etc?

She is providing the bev./food. So what will I provide for her? a percentage off her portrait? How much.

Any thoughts?
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