Thank you both for your response to this post.
I have spent quite a bit of time over the last year playing around with mediums/varnishes to basically achieve two things for me: 1) to give me that finished "museum" look as you alluded to Tim and 2) accomodate my schedule. What I mean by the latter is that I need for the painting to remain wet for 3-4 days because I'm not always in a position to paint on consecutive days and I prefer to work alla prima. I don't like, for example, to work on flesh tones one evening and come back the next evening (if my schedule allows it) and have to repaint everything in order to do the necessary blending. The medium I am currently using has an extended drying time, too long in fact. Part of the mixture is both clove oil and stand oil. Maybe I need to cut back on the amount of clove oil I am using.
Would using stand oil only as a medium give me what I want?