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Old 01-03-2004, 07:44 PM   #5
Celeste McCall Celeste McCall is offline
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Location: Southlake, TX
Posts: 162
Dear Julianne,
You paintings are wonderful.

I often wonder if other artists look at a very good piece they have just completed and say to themselves, as I do to myself, "How did I do that? It's fabulous!", then, on the very next painting say, "How did I do that? It's awful!"?
I don't know many painters that are ever completely pleased. Pleased with some more than others maybe. I have about 7 pieces in my permanent collection and that is it. All the others are sold. The funny thing is, I will take something to the show and not really liking it very much I will set it over on the side table. It never fails that all the other booth holders that visit will always pick the one that I liked the least and try to buy it.

So, don't worry if it looks NOT so perfect. Maybe to others it might appear to be your best work.
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