Thread: Tiff Tiff
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Old 01-02-2004, 06:56 PM   #10
Carl Toboika Carl Toboika is offline
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It's Photoshop CS, they did away with the numbers this time out. I have it sitting on the Studio Floor and will be installing it sometime after the weekend.

It now does layers and paint in 16 bit instead of 8 bit.

It has a shadow/high light correction tool that supposedly will bring out detail in over-dark shadow areas, or overexposed light areas. There's a complex way to do that in shadows, in the old Photoshop, using multiple layers and the gaussian blur filter (I'll get that to you soon Marvin, holidays have been murder on time). I have high hopes this version offers an easy tool that does it as well as the old way, but easier.

It has a supposedly improved file finder and handler.

It has a histogram palette that shows the color channels all at the same time in a graph that is updated in real time as you make changes.

It has support for .raw camera files.

I'll come back to this thread after poking around with it personally for a bit to tell you how it seems to me if you want.
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