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Old 01-02-2004, 02:18 PM   #39
Celeste McCall Celeste McCall is offline
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Joined: Dec 2002
Location: Southlake, TX
Posts: 162
Dear Michelle,
I probably misunderstood what was being said about memory or imagination portraits being more illustrative (which I thought meant a more crude type of painting). Thanks to you I found a wonderful site that explains this better.

Thanks for the information. I haven't had the time to do any portraits in oils for quite a while. Almost always teaching, schools, conventions, etc. But one day, I'm going to post an oil painting on SOG that is realistically painted in the traditional manner.

I love everyone's painting no matter the technique or application. All art is beautiful in my book. But especially all of your art. I'm really impressed with the quality of work that is exhibited on the SOG forum. Thanks go to Cynthia Daniel for creating this website.
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