Good Subject
Hi Pat,
She's very pretty, and not camera/posing shy. She'll make a good subject for you. I prefer #1 or #3 if you're going to go with one of these.
All of them show a certain amount of distortion. It looks as though these were shot with a short focal length lens (less than 50 mm). You can tell this by the way the straight verticals in the background appear to be curved. The distortion is most prominent in #2, resulting in a convex "funhouse mirror" effect that makes the distance between her eyes and the bottom of her chin occupy more area than they would with your naked eye. It's too bad, because I really like her expression in that one, but I'm sure she's a lot prettier than it appears in that shot.
I dont know what camera you're using, but if you have a 70-80 mm lens you could reduce the distortion considerably.
Cheers & Happy New Year.