How far "out of town" is the client? The reason I ask is that I would consider reshooting this subject.
Here are some of the problems I see with this set up: The shirt is too big, especially the sleeve length. All that stiff white fabric makes busy distracting shadows everywhere.
I'm confused as to what the rolled up fabric on the chair is. Is it a pillow?
The skintones in the example are very hot pink. I assume you would correct for that in Photoshop before painting from it though.
There's a risk of it being a portrait of a white shirt, if you go with a dark background. Perhaps a midtone background would help, but the shirt is still a very big part of the composition and has all those distracting shadow shapes I mentioned above.
Also, neither expression looks relaxed and natural to me.
The things I like about it are the strong diagonal in the composition overall, the good shadow contrast ratio and shadow shapes on the face.
Sorry to be such a downer on this and I hope you can reshoot to get some more photos.