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Old 12-30-2003, 09:04 AM   #6
Linda Nelson Linda Nelson is offline
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Joined: Sep 2001
Location: St. Paul, MN
Posts: 386
May I suggest the OLympus E1. It is not cheap - $1500 for the body, $600 for the lens I think, but it is awesome. My dad is a professional photographer and a understands the technicals behind products like I have never seen anyone know. He owns Hasselblads 2 1/4s, 8 x 10's, 4x5's, and a slew of 35s. Nonetheless, he uses exclusivley his digital.

Because of him we have both been using the E series, but this new E1 is phenomenal. My personal favorite reason is that it can take 12 (!) shots continuously, which is a huge triumph for portrait photographer because you can take multiple shots immediately of a subject, and therefore those great expressions easily. Digitals until this point are slow to respond, and slow to recycle, leaving your subject with a ridged pose because they are always waiting for you to take the photo. With the E1, you can get great great photos, and the Quality (resolution) is not compromised in the least.

If you have the $ to dispense, I'd take a look.
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