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Old 12-29-2003, 04:14 AM   #2
Henry Wienhold Henry Wienhold is offline
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I need reference

I have tried several times to paint in the way that you describe, by just using my imagination. My attempts at painting and drawing without reference, or observing a subject have always left me feeling short changed. I have never been satisfied with the results. Although I think it may be very beneficial to practice drawing from your imagination without looking at a subject. This method probably helps a person dig deeper, possibly developing and increasing ones concentration level. Maybe improve your skills somewhat, sort of like stepping out of the box for a moment.

I once knew a young man from quite a few years ago. He was a classmate of mine who could draw strictly from his imagination with fantastic results. His work was quite amazing, he had a special gift, his ability to work from his mind's eye just seemed natural for him, he worked very rapidly, everything for him just seemed to flow without hesitation.
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