Thread: Taste
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Old 11-16-2003, 09:06 AM   #9
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Aldo, I appreciated hearing another viewpoint and it certainly made me review, in mind's eye, my own body of work. I agree with Michele that pictures in which people look happy are more appealing for me to paint, and often to look at; one reason I switched to photo references instead of working from life was to avoid the bland, homogenized expression that a model produces after hours of sitting. However, as Chris and several others pointed out we can be much freer in those paintings that we create for our own pleasure than in those that are commissioned. Similarly I've heard wildlife artists who are competing for prizes in that arena lament that detailed realism and not painterly expression is what attracts attention from those judges.

I suspect that what you are seeing - and what we are hearing from our clients - partially derives from the southern portrait tradition in our country, where little boys in suits and little girls in white dresses are much valued. The academic/corporate tradition is somewhat different but still tends to idealize. And as has been noted, the Strokes of Genius forum is very much about traditional portrait painting as interpreted largely by an American body of clients.

I took a look at Jerry Weiss's paintings and liked them very much; they have a spare yet painterly quality that is immensely appealing and evocative. Thanks for bringing him to my attention and for raising some interesting questions. I look forward to seeing more of your work and reading more of your ideas.
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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