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Old 11-11-2003, 12:53 PM   #5
Lisa Gloria
Posts: n/a
Hi Kim,

Yep, the pole is a little bowed, but I'm fixing that in the painting. Glad you liked it.

Hi Erica,

This is about 1/3 of the final composition. The expression on her face is a little fussy. I wanted her to appear attentive and engaged, but not frightened or learning disabled. The wide eyes, slack lips and large teeth, in the painting at least, were a fright to deal with. So this really helped me work out the position and values. I got the expression I wanted, so I am happy.

Regarding the values, I think it's easier to see on the original, but I know what you mean. And yep, she's a light auburn.

I won't be posting the final painting here, because as a whole, the composition is more figural than portrait-y. Ya'll can see it on my website in a couple weeks.
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