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Old 11-09-2003, 06:24 PM   #10
Celeste McCall Celeste McCall is offline
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Ok,I am going to fess up here:

I was actually on a knowledge SHARING mission when I posted this under the topic of Most Popular Paintings.

I had already surmised what I thought that I was seeing in the similarities of the old masters work by September 2003 (I have been looking into this subject since July 2002). Long before reading the article that is posted below which I just found 2 weeks ago. But I went ahead and included that article's information and asked questions of why that would happen, etc, in the other forum. I was trying to invoke thought and discussion.

If anyone is offended by my doing this, then I apologize. My only intent was to share this knowledge via using a different approach as opposed to the regular, "this is what I think on the subject of similarities in the old masters's paintings".

And also, I wanted to get your opinions and information on the subject. Again, I apologize if I offend and/or offended anyone by using this type of tactic to share information.

Here is the link that I found 2 weeks ago that seems to confirm my previous findings on those similarities. But remember that I know that both she and I could be very wrong in what we are saying.
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