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Old 11-09-2003, 03:58 PM   #9
Chris Saper Chris Saper is offline
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...but genius quality is the province of a unique mind.
I really weigh in with Mike on this one. Certainly I haven't met every excellent contemporary painter, but among those I have met, and consider extraordinary, they all share the feature of extraordinary intellect.

I also think that extraordinary paintings share a clarity of purpose by their artists - that is the artist has a point, and brings every possible element into play in order to convey it eloquently.

So, I agree with you, Celeste, that color schemes, compositions, and everything else in successful and enduring paintings work to support the artists's point - why the painting was painted, and what was to be communicated. Ill-conceived color schemes, poor compositions and the like become the "thing" by default.

And with all of this, I think this thread is perfectly suited to the Cafe, and I will move it there.
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