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Old 11-02-2003, 09:51 PM   #1
Melinda Roeleveld Melinda Roeleveld is offline
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Painting horses and people

I have been commissioned to paint a painting of a mother and daughter with their horses (not riding). It will be less about the individual's face and more about their relationship with the horse. I have several problems with this commission. Taking the reference photos was not easy, and I have no idea how to figure out the pricing. I plan to paint more of a landscape, blending the horses and figures into it in a natural setting (not posed). I don't want the figures to stand out, but harmonize with the beautiful fall background in a very plein air/painterly manner (in fact I plan on painting much of the background on location).

Has anyone had any experience with this type of painting, any tips, suggestions, and pricing ideas? I feel that I should not charge the same amount as a portrait since the face of the individual will only measure a few inches (the total size of the painting will be about 24" x 30"), but it is not an easy commission!

Thanks for any ideas from experienced painters!
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