Thread: Skipping Rope
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Old 10-29-2003, 10:15 PM   #4
Leslie Ficcaglia Leslie Ficcaglia is offline
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Thanks, Mike and Mike. This is part of a series that I seem to be doing of my granddaughter. On my site there's a painting of her with a baby chick, done when she was two, and another of her as a fairy completed when she was four. "Skipping Rope" is current; she's now six. I can be much more expressive and freer in these works because they're not commissions; also she has an expressive face and is tolerant of my taking lots of photos. This painting is from two photos, with some retakes several days later to nail down specific features of the posture and background. Basically the body is from one picture and the face is from another, since she was looking downward too sharply in the face which went with the jumping pose. I added sunlight since there was too much shadow in the reference photos.

I have had giclees made of all three and will be interested in seeing whether they market well. Several people had already commented that they'd love a copy of the fairy painting.

This weekend she had the vestiges of Halloween makeup on her face and her eyebrows were darkened and much more prominent. I thought about doing "Rosalena as Frida"...
Leslie M. Ficcaglia
Minnamuska Creek Studio
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