Tough call, Mary, as the possibilities are infinite.
I think I'd put "Dad" in front, or at least somehow in prominence and stature. (That doesn't mean he couldn't actually be half-sitting while the son stands behind. Just means I'd give the father his place of honor. [Just self-analyzed that to note that I'm writing as a father, but I'd expect the same if my dad were still around and sitting for a portrait -- something he might have tolerated but which would have greatly amused him.])
Do these two have hobbies? If they golf, I can picture one composition, if they hunt, another, pool sharks, another still. I see them in contrasting poses, at the very least, in some dynamic design helix rather than side-by-side.
I guess a visit to the SOG Galleries might be a useful place to start, though you've likely already been there.