Thank you all!
I wish you could see her in person. The sky is almost a Parrish blue and the house in the background is a salmon color. You can't get much more colorful than Key West. California is nice but Key West is the southern most town in the 'forty-eight' and miles closer to the equator. Actually it's 'the real' other side of the rainbow. The minute you realize the Atlantic Ocean is on your right and the Gulf of Mexico is on your left, you know you're not in Kansas anymore (funny, last time I went to the Keys I had two Cairn Terriers with me. Hmmmm).
John, study those Paxton paintings from the 20's and look at the colors around the old parts of California. Laurel and Hardy movies are great for the feel of the time plus they are fun to watch. Sounds strange to watch a period film to get a feel for a painting, but I think it helped with this pastel to pay attention to the backgroungs on the sets and locations that they shot on. Kind of like a bit of role playing. Yes! Soft pastels are great for that tropical feel. Paxton is great for flesh colors. Larel and Hardy sets for the feel of the era.
She was a lot of fun to draw/paint.
Beth, Marvin, Carl, Mike, and John a great big hug and a thank you for your kind and gracious words on my first unveiling.