Thread: A study in form
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Old 10-02-2003, 11:10 AM   #25
Mike McCarty Mike McCarty is offline
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Be aware (be afraid) I am about to express an opinion. Viewer discretion is advised.

I'm learning one skill at a time, and I have the ultimate goal of painting.
I think you should begin to paint! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against drawing, some of my best friends draw. But it is my opinion, and it has been my experience, that the art of painting is different enough from drawing that whatever time it will take you to become a proficient painter will not be reduced substantially by continuing to hone your drawing skills.

This opinion, and there may be many horizontally opposed, is specific to you. To others I would say - draw first, show me your drawings. But you presently have good drawing skills and I would guess that you can draw better than a lot of very good painters.

Painting is drawing with a different medium. If you enjoy the activity of drawing that
Mike McCarty
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