Jeff, I just finished commenting on your nice sketch of Janice. I suggested there, and I suggest here, that you focus on the accuracy of your lines, each line, more than the form. Make each line correct, and the form will come along. Take care of each line, its dynamic, its angle and length, its value. The form will take care of itself. Most people worry too much about the form and lose focus on the quality of the lines they make to get to the form. A drawing is made one line at a time. Make each line count. I call it "line first." Not that form is not important. It is. But you arrive at the form by drawing good lines. Don't fall into the trap of only thinking that good form is the answer. It most certainly is not. The line is.
If a line is wrong, it will make the next one wrong, and so forth, and the form falls apart the moment that bad line was drawn. If you have a chiseled point, you maximize the quality of your lines since you can change their dynamic so easily. A good chisel gives you control. If a drawing has beautiful lines, as Janice's drawing did, it will be pleasing, even if the form is not perfect. It will still be artful.