Having just purchased the book ("The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing") two weeks ago I need to put in my two cents. I am very new to figure drawing from life, having just begun a life drawing class in January where I attend once a week.
Last night was the first session I attended since reading of A Ryder's approach. My ability to sort out the complex positions last night was greatly improved (our model can hold incredibly complex positons - I think her spine is rubber!) I felt A.R. gave me ways to check and recheck my proportions, a way to scan the model, then scan my drawing and make appropriate corrections as I went along. I came home last night more satisfied with what I had sketched and drawn.
I too, am attending his workshop on portrait drawing on toned paper in January, thus my reason for purchasing his book. I do realize that my learning curve needs to increase dramatically between now and Jan 26th!! In fact I sent in my check today and booked my flight, so I guess at this point I am going on FAITH!!