Working as a subcontractor (freelance) at Billboard pictorials, due to the great driving distances (and no completed work, no money) I had to learn to stick my nose in it with a lunch break (no coffee breaks, no supper) up to 12-14 occasionally 16 hours. I'd hit the wall and have a slow week or two pooped out, but could do that 5 to 7 days a week for a couple of months before that happened. You get used to making competent decisions when tired eventually, though not optimal ones.
10 years ago I remember a stint of painting that went 32 hours at the easel sitting (with some breaks). I wouldn't do it now, I was just an obsessive sort at the time.
As I got older it got harder and harder. Since work at the easel is physically easier than BB work, if I can sit down, the same hours are not troubling though 8-10 is more comfortable.
I think everyone has a natural clock this way. Exercise, good shoes, and a comfortable chair when you can use it, goes a long way to extend that a bit.