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Old 09-24-2003, 10:04 PM   #10
Heidi Maiers Heidi Maiers is offline
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Location: Portland, OR
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Those are all good points, Mike.

I don't think he is worried about getting cut out - the client would pay the same price whether they bought through me or through him.

He is not in any way trying to cover up the fact that the art is being made by a third party and is making no claims of sculpting the art himself.
It's not that he's trying to hide my identity or is going to keep it a big secret - it's just that it really doesn't matter at this point who I am - I could be anybody - the clients wouldn't know me from Adam and I really have nothing too impressive to tout that he can use in his marketing. I think he wants to market the idea as being presented by (in his words) "the designer for a company whose gadgets are famous and who has done stuff for (household name company X, Y, and Z)." to be more successful.

Hey, if it brings in the orders, I don't care how it's pitched and he's had a lot of experience and success with marketing and design. I haven't been overly successful selling portraits on my own to this point.

Yes, I would sign the art.
Heidi Maiers
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