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Old 09-20-2003, 11:35 AM   #1
Michele Rushworth Michele Rushworth is offline
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Tony Ryder's "The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing"

In my opinion Tony Ryder's book is the best drawing book I have ever read, by far.

Ryder, Anthony, "The Artist's Complete Guide to Figure Drawing". Watson Guptill 2000

I'm taking a portrait painting class with him soon, so I figured his book would be required reading, if for no other reason than to be familiar with the terminology. I was delighted that his technique was so helpful to me.

As I read through it I tried a few drawings using his method and I found the technique so helpful that I plan on using it for every drawing I do. I found myself following his advice (about checking angles, and looking for forms upon forms) every day on the current portrait I'm painting too.

I highly recommend not just reading through the book, but trying out the techniques on a few practice drawings and see what you think.
Michele Rushworth
[email protected]
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