Mike, Tim and WB are the two inspirations for this. I loved how Tim handled the reflective pitcher. Isobela is positively in love with this outfit so I mussed up her hair and gave her the bowl. She's a great model, not self-conscious at all.
Per Michele's previous posts I took about 40 pictures, and selected this one from them. It's an overcast day here so I didn't have a problem with my ambient light today. I'm trying to approach this one and synthesize all the things I'm learning from SOG.
Thanks for the idea about the background. That's where I was heading too but thought maybe I was being too plain? I would like to use more complicated compositions but maybe not here. Do you think I could leave the black stool in there? I rather like it.
I'm so excited to be back to painting. I've been working on a book cover for a week, mostly in Photoshop, and this photo is just turning my crank.