Thanks, Karin.
I appreciate your words. I must admit, I WAS a bit taken aback by (and I use this rather harsh word with affection) your "assault" on my work. I've never yet seen anyone else's efforts in the forum treated so radically and abstractly. I was kind of hoping for some positive feedback on things I might actually have done well. C'est la vie, as we say up here in Montreal.
Thanks, Steven.
You suggested that the self-illumination of the lamp might have reconciled better were it more in keeping with a child. Don't forget, this is a work intended for the family involved. This setting is very evocative of their life & home. They had acutally sold their home in Quebec, moved to Toronto for a year, and then moved back, coincidentally buying-back the same house. In each incarnation the same lamp and table was in the same corner of their stairwell. It work's for this family. I absolutely knew and strived for these admittedly "competing centers of interest". (As opposed to M&M where it was all accidental.) I have no problem with the lamp being noticed first, and having the eye bounce between them.
Knowing the "rules" of composition is all I need to justify my breaking them.