By all means, Dave, you should retain artistic ownership of your work and not implement changes that go against the grain of what you intend in the piece. I don't know that anyone offering critiques here has an emotional investment in persuading anyone to do something they're not comfortable with. There's perhaps a more acute sense of vulnerability attached to posting a piece of artwork, as opposed to, say, joining the fray of debate, and my impression of almost all replies to such postings in this Portrait Critiques forum is that they're generally (and genuinely) focused on fundamentals and not on esoteric preferences. I would have failed in my purpose here if someone just automatically adopted my advices without turning them this way and that and assaying them and considering whether they were actually the sort of stones the artist really wanted to mount in the setting of the piece.
I once had a psychology professor who, a few minutes into a class, walked down amongst the students and looked at this notebook, and that notepad, and said "What is everybody writing? You shouldn't be writing down everything I say. You should be listening and thinking about it."
Same intentions here, I believe.