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Old 09-11-2003, 10:50 AM   #5
Lisa Gloria
Posts: n/a
Yes, upon re-reading it I think my post this morning was a bit garbled. Michele's right, you do have to pick a course of study and stick with it. I was responding to your list of "painterly" jobs which included graphic design, and sort of went off on a tangent. I've had some coffee, so I feel better now.

I may be an optimist, but I do think that there should be jobs, i.e. clients. There are relatively few people who can do what the real geniuses around here do, and I think their relative success is a "build it and they will come" natural sort of thing. I wonder how many people with Marvin Mattelson's ability languish in the welfare lines, or under a paper hat and nametag? I think (maybe wish) that there aren't very many. I know there are loads of wonderful singers driving desks for a living - is a great painter more rare?

Then again, not everyone who gets an atelier education is going to be able to rise to that level, sometimes no matter what.

I know it sounds like I'm being glib, but it's an important issue and I wonder what everyone here thinks.
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